Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Part Two: Unleash The Power of
The Press Release
Hello fellow affiliates and welcome to Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets. This is part two in a mini-series of articles that will show you the true secrets on how the best affiliates generate money online.
In the first segment we went over the Ultimate Marketing Secret that puts great affiliate marketers at the top of the mountain, CTPM.
If you need a refresher, click here to understand why this is a must for affiliate marketers.
This "Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets" article is a step-by-step guide that will show you how to get your site ranked #1 in Google for your keyword in a couple of hours using a press release!
A "Press Release" announces a newsworthy piece of information. Distribution can be either through offline or online media outlets.
A Press Release is an additional way to gain free publicity or "buzz" about your business, drive traffic, and potentially generate inbound links to your site.
Why do we choose this strategy first? Well we figure that maybe your page or website is already in order and you want a great way to market for it.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
So this will grab you the exposure you need and if your webpage provides the content that the surfers are looking for, then it will stay on top for that keyword.
Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Examples of Press Releases
Before we get into the examples, we would like to give a special thanks to Alyona Frendo to providing the stats, results and great research behind these examples.
She presented us with this material, tested it on our affiliate pages, and we love it show much that we had to share it with our visitors. She is an awesome full time publicist has been doing things such as this for many years!Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Example #1
Press Release: Online home business ideas and resources
Affiliate Income Learn Marketing SecretsPress Release URL:
Example #2
Press Release: Learn social Media Marketing
Affiliate Income Learn Marketing SecretsPress Release URL:
Alright, now that you have seen some results of this project, let’s get started so you can grab the same results.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
The Procedure
As you might already have noticed the preferred submission service is
Other services might cost and charge up to $400 for a press release submission wire service that is not as half as good as what offers for a fraction of the price.
In fact we suggest that you go for the lowest service they offer if you ever decide to use the paid service submission of
Otherwise please refer to the end of this article for a list of good press release submission sites that offer their services for free.
However, for the sake of the examples and to get up to the number one spot in Google as fast as possible, we will stick with during this guide.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Step 1
Go to once you get there, in the first paragraph you will click on the link that says “news releases”.
Step 2
You’ll see the $19 service that they provide. This is the lowest priced service that they offer.
This alone will get you the results shown earlier in the examples, regardless of how competitive the keyword is.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
If you are ready to use this service, on the tabs above, click the “Distribute Your News” Tab.
From here you will register for the website, placing the normal required info for the average websites.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Step 3
After registration, you will automatically be accepted and taken to your main back office.
From here we will click the green tab on the left saying “submit a release.” Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets

We have now made it to the actual form that we will place our press release article.
So now, we will show you each box and what you should place in it.
This eliminates any confusion and makes it pie for you to get started.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
This is the most important part you should take care of! Experience has shown Alyona that FOUR letter headlines are the best.
So let’s take the example of the headline was used above which reads “Learn social media marketing”
At a first glance this headline seems Dull, ok we agree with you.
However regardless of how dull it is, if you have done you keyword research and this is the big keyword that the competition is fighting for, we should take advantage of this!
Why not utilize it on this release that will automatically place you on top of the 7 million who are using that keyword?
The competition won’t matter if your content is over delivering what surfers are looking for!
You’ll get that needed exposure, then you will have a fan base that will keep coming back!Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Company/Organization/Event Box
You should write a two letter keyword from your heading.
So to continue with our example you would write social media or media marketing.
This is guaranteed to boost results for these two keywords in Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Contact Info
This is self explanatory, just place your information in the required spots.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Additional Links
Get your website address in the URL and use the 4 keyword headline to link to your press release.
So in this case we are outlining “learn social media marketing” is used in the description box to link to the website of the client.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Related Keywords
At the end of the form you should find the SEO optimization keywords.
While many people don’t use these, you will use these to your advantage to guarantee top positions in Google.
Always write the 4 letter headline keywords in the first related keyword and then extract one or two word keywords from the same headline keywords you used.
Thus for our example you will have the following:
1. Learn social media marketing
2. Social media
3. Media marketing
There are 5 keywords but only use 3 or 4 or otherwise you will confuse the search engines.
Now that these boxes are filled in, the only thing left to do is plug in the actual press release article into its box.
So we are going to go over some guidelines for what to write and how, as well as provide you with a few examples, which you can change, use and apply to your specific press release.
This won’t be the actual lesson in how to write great content for your site, (that will be the next article in this series) but it should be enough to grab the pull the traffic you get from here to your site!
Some Guidelines
- A good press release should be between 250 and 300 words for our purpose.
- You should start your press release announcing your website. Simply place will do the trick and they will make this a text link going directly to your website.
- Press Releases should be written in the "third person" and are written like a news story.
- NEVER in your press release try to include "advertising" or "hard sell" language such as "Opportunity of a lifetime”
- NEVER in your press release speak to the reader by including phrases such as "By doing this you will get that …" or "Are you in need of …”
- Include at least one quote. (More about this below)
- Write in proper English and always spell check your press release before submitting.
Alright! Now that you know about the rules, we are going to give you some live examples that have been used before to grab some great results.
So you can copy, edit and change them to fit what you are doing. We will break it down into 3 separate paragraphs, one for each section that we will explain prior to supplying the examples.
The Introduction ParagraphHere are some examples of press release openers that were used, feel free to copy and paste and change to your heart’s content.
Example 1:
A new blog is promising internet marketers help in finding their way through all the useless hype that is today invading the internet. In a no nonsense writing style is experiencing great success. For the vast majority of sites, good Internet Marketing can increase visitors many fold and is very often the difference between those sites that are considered hugely successful and the many otherwise excellent sites that languish around the web unloved and never to realize their full potential.
Example 2:
Online Car Insurance Quotes are now easier to get in a one-stop-shop directly from Requesting a quote online typically results in savings of up to $500 per year and it will only take a couple of minutes before you can receive quotes and results.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Example 3:
Cynthia Minnaar is an experienced Internet Marketer, she set up two years ago and has since had great success with this new internet marketing website. For the vast majority of sites, good Internet Marketing can increase visitors many fold and is very often the difference between those sites that are considered hugely successful and the many otherwise excellent sites that languish around the web unloved and never to realize their full potential.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Example 4:
Subliminal messaging technology has been helping millions of people worldwide to reprogram their mind. Chargeaudio has just launched a membership called "Subliminal On Demand" whereby clients can benefit from subliminal technology on their computer desktop 24/7 which can be found at This exciting new technology will allow you to regain control of your life now; you can be whatever you want to using this easily configurable software.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Example 5:
For the first time ever, a top Reverse Funnel System affiliate is revealing the secrets that he used to create a high six-figure income in less than two months with the Reverse Funnel System. He has compiled these secrets into a report entitled “Reverse Funnel Secrets” which you can learn more about at:
Example 6:
Learn Guitar lessons online – it is now possible thanks to a new website which makes it extremely easy to learn guitar online. A quick look at this website shows that you will be learning How to tune a guitar to ’standard’ tuning, How to locate all the notes across the fret board fast, How to "warm up" with your guitar, What the "fan", "palm" and "forearm" stretches are and many more, but most importantly you will learn Basic music theory which is EASY to understand. has been launched with sole purpose of teaching Guitar fans worldwide a quick way to start playing the guitar rather than just learning the theory this guide will show guitar enthusiasts how to start with a hands down guide to entertain themselves and their friends with hours of guitar playing.
These examples have all been taken from press releases that achieved high success rates for various clients.
The Second Paragraph of your Press ReleaseAfter the introduction always include a quote either by you or by a member of your organization, you also should include a link to your website in the second paragraph.
Example 1:
"As adware and spyware developers are finding more and more ways of how to sneak in your computer, everyone should pay more attention to what he downloads from the internet, but most importantly one should use an adware and spyware protection program. There is no need to use a high priced adware protection software, in fact outlines many tips you can use to make sure that you computer remains spyware and adware free" said a spokesperson for this website in a comment.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Example 2:
The Website owner when interviewed stated that "Overall is a fresh idea for a website it is targeting a particular niche of the internet users since not everyone can afford a Ferrari, but everyone can dream of having one, and with this site anyone can try to find a second hand well kept Ferrari that is within his budget so this makes the website not just for the rich, but also for Ferrari lovers all over the world.”
Example 3:
In an online interview the creator of guitar guide said that “Even if you are a complete new beginner and you never even touched a guitar in your hand, you should read this eBook and you will remain amazed by how fast you can pick up a guitar and get confidence in playing tunes after you read this simple step by step guide, you will get the needed self-assurance in playing in front of an audience in no time.”Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Example 4:
In an online interview, Dean states “To set up a profitable business, you just have to do 3 things; attract highly targeted prospects to your website, convert these prospects into buyers and convert these buyers into repeat buyers. While this sounds really simple, the fact is it isn’t! The words you choose to display on your website can literally make or break your business. Such is their importance!Business owners are only now starting to realize how important sales copy is.”Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
In the second paragraph you can ‘talk’ directly to your readers with the excuse of a mini interview taking place, but in reality your aim should be to include another link in the press release so that people will click it and visit your website and as we all know More Traffic = More Sales!!!
Ending The Press ReleaseIf you are lucky enough your reader would have no need to read through to the end of the press release because you already provided two links back to your website, but just in case you didn’t manage to presell enough you should do the following,
Outline the major advantages of whatever website / product / service you are providing in easy to read sentences. Show the benefits that will solve their problem or be the solution. At the end of the press release include the following:
For more information please visit:
Example 1:
Amongst some of the topics you will read about on the blog you will find, debunked myths about internet marketing, strategies and techniques that work and a detailed analysis of products that may help any internet marketer.
In this ground-breaking blog, internet marketers will finally learn how to leverage the marketing expertise of others and instantly drive highly-targeted traffic to your website that results in sales. The website will not just coach you in the right direction but will provide educational material that will motivate and teach you how to start earning from your online business. For more information please visit:
Example 2:
Auto insurance today is compulsory in most states. After all, a car is probably one of the most valuable assets that one purchase in a lifetime and it makes a lot of sense that anyone would insure it, especially since costs and damages after a car accident may sometimes even run into hundreds of thousands of dollars. However it makes a difference where and how you buy your policy. Online policies typically cost 20 to 30 percent less. When thinking about car insurance you need to insure you’ll want enough coverage so you can buy another car in case of theft or in case of an accident.
The website itself helps potential insurers to estimate the actual cost of buying a similar car by providing online licensed insurance tools. On the website one may find tips to reduce your auto insurance premium before you start shopping around and comparing different premiums.For more information please visit
Example 3:
Reverse Funnel Secrets report, reveals how you can leverage the marketing expertise of others and instantly drive highly-targeted traffic to your Reverse Funnel System affiliate site, that results in sales.If you want to learn more about the Reverse Funnel Secrets report, please visit:
Example 4:
The eBook contains the answer to such questions as How to Get indexed by Google in under a week, How to Optimize your website for the search engines, how to Get backlinks from .edu sites, Creating Viral linking schemes and getting the most from traffic exchanges.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Top Web2.0 traffic generation techniques are also discussed in the eBook, with techniques on how to get squidoo traffic and to top the cherry on the cake the eBook also includes 3 Powerful Ways to Get Quality One Way Links to Your Website which as a stand alone report might be sold for a hundred dollars, butNick decided it’s better to let everyone know about these traffic generation secrets!
For more information please visit
We are almost finished! From here you are done with the article. When you click continue, you will see a preview of the article and how it will look once it’s posted.
Please make sure you double check your press release here!
Grammar, spelling punctuation and everything must be found and corrected. You can go back and adjust it as necessary, but this page is your last chance to make changes, so let’s make it count!
After this you will provide credit card info,to process the payment.
An email will be sent to you once the transaction is complete and they will provide you with a copy of the release! You’ve done It! Congratulations!
For those who are looking to try the other services…
If you are looking to try a different site that does this, here are a few others that Alyona recommends:
Newswire Today
There is no fee to make an account with
Newswire Today, and also no fee to send out a press release. They offer the basic options for free press release distribution.
For example, your submission is published in the order it was received, with third party advertisements.
However, they do have a Premium option in which your press release is published the same day, with a company logo, statistics, and no third party advertisements.
The Premium option can range from ninety-five dollars to four hundred dollars.
My Free PR
My Free PR offers free distribution of press releases. Its layout and navigation of this website is a little more complicated than the other sites.
Every link that you click has another one that comes up, and then another one, and eventually you lose track of where you wanted to go.
In addition, it also has three press release packages laid out with all the options that each one offers.
You are able to submit a press release from twenty dollars to one hundred dollars, each has an option of two day or three day distribution.
Press Media Wire
Press Media Wire is very similar to the other websites that offer press releases and wire services.
It is helpful in the fact that it offers a simple FAQ sectional that get questions you might have answered quickly.
In addition, it also has three press release packages laid out with all the options that each one offers.
You are able to submit a press release from twenty dollars to one hundred dollars, each has an option of two day or three day distribution.
Press Media Wire also shows where your press release will be distributed, proving helpful if you want a specific category.
Another important feature is that Press Media Wire offers free press release, for those who quickly want to get their news out.
EmailWire has no annual fees when making an account. Also, unlimited amounts of press releases can be sent for a flat rate.
In addition, there are no fees if your press release goes over their wanted length, and also for any videos or images.
Your news is delivered through other major wire services, allowing your release to reach more people. In addition to these options Emailwire offers EmailWireClip™ for free.
This allows you to view your press release on online news sites, newswires, databases and search engines.
One interesting thing
EworldWire shows that most other press release wire services do not are the features of their competing websites.
On their homepage, Eworldwire compares their features with those of other websites, showing why their service is better.
In addition, Eworldwire prides itself in meeting the needs of their users. Eworldwire makes sure your press release goes to the webpages that will benefit you the most.
Furthermore, the most basic press release distribution service only costs seventy-five dollars. However, they do have a large variety of other distribution options that offer everything from podcasts to University Press Newslines.
Eworldwire also gives advice about what will catch a journalist's attention in only 2.7 seconds, because that is how much time it takes to see if a press release is interesting.
24-7 Press Release
Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets24-7 Press Release is a fairly new and affordable press release service that offers forty-eight hour submission approval, to over four hundred channels.
24-7 Press Release also has a helpful FAQ section that shows you exactly how a press release on their website will look. They have an option to send your press release free over the web, or to pay as little as fifty dollars for basic distribution.
However, they do have other packages that allow for much faster and better quality distribution, which is priced around $349.
They also offer a featured press release, for those who are not sure how. In addition it clearly shows the distribution of where your press release will go, and who will view it.
Another helpful tool is that the website comes in five different languages. This can be very helpful if you are doing business with companies overseas, or simply for people whose first language is not English.
PRWeb is one of the most informational and user friendly press release websites out there. On the homepage it has the most recent press releases within fourteen days, rated by "importance" which depends on how much the sender paid for the release.
One helpful feature is their "release features" tab, which will tell you everything you need to know about your press release.
They have broken it down to four packages. Each package states what it offers and how much it costs.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
This lets the business or agency know what they are going to be offered right away, while also keeping in mind budget.
In addition, if you are not clear as to why you should use a press release wire service, PRWeb has a YouTube™ video which plainly and cleverly describes why, by showing the benefits.
Along with the video, there are many picture and descriptions throughout the website that further guide you. Furthermore, PRWeb also has helpful tips and samples on how to write a press release, making sure your best work is distributed.
Upon first seeing the
MarketWire's website, its bold color choice makes it stand out more than the other websites. The layout is very simple and very clean in its appearance.
Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets It has very few tabs, but once you start clicking on the tabs, it leads you to other links, which easily navigates you through the website.
Marketwire speaks to the busy person that does not have a lot of time, with which most business owners and employees identify.
However, you are not able to look at packages or other information about the service you will get until you have opened an account with them.
PressZoom is a budget friendly way to distribute your press release. The look of the website is very modern and clean, with no pictures and a lot of writing.
PressZoom does give a lot of helpful tips about press release writing. For example, how not to make your press release look like an advertisement, thus making it susceptible to go into spam mail.
Basic distribution is nineteen dollars, but you have an option of a free XML feed. There is also an option of premium distribution that is only forty-seven dollars, that guarantees a wide variety of options.
In addition, there is no account making necessary, and if you use the premium distribution option your press release will go out quickly.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
The Open Press
The Open Press is a very professional website that offers the distribution of press releases for free.
The free press releases will only show the release with plain text and it will only be on The Open Press for six months. In addition, they reject about thirty percent of the press releases and do not allow you to fix your mistakes and repost.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
However, they do have another option, press release with stars, which puts your press release on The Open Press' PRO PR section.
This ranks it higher on other websites, allowing for more viewers. The minimum price for this option is ten dollars and if you would like more stars, which gives you more options, then it is around fifty dollars.
Another perk is that your press release will stay on the website for a year rather than six months. The Open Press also provides you with email alerts about your press release, making it easier to track.Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Whew! That’s a big list to choose from! I do know that whichever one you choose; please use the steps we provide above as a guide to get the most out of your press release!
This wraps up part two of our miniseries on Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets.
Now that you know the main secret for bringing income,as well as a way to grab some top notch traffic to your site, we suggest you continue your journey on building that income by producing great content webpages that will get your traffic in the mood to buy! The link at the bottom will provide you with a free E-book to get you on your way! Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets
Click here to Review Affiliate Income Learn Marketing Secrets Pt 2
Click Here So You Can Make Your Content PreSell!