How To Use RSS Feeds to Market Your Blog or Website!

How can using RSS feeds help you make money by blogging?

RSS feeds can do this in two very crucial ways.


If you don’t know what an RSS is…check out our page on “What is RSS?” before continuing!

They can help you generate traffic to your content and can also help you to gain those new visitors and turn them into repeat visitors to your page.

If you create an RSS for your site, this will move you up in the rankings as well as getting more people looking at the products you’re affiliating, which means more money in the bank!

Once you're able to generate traffic and keep that traffic, you will be making money.

At this point, you would need to focus on putting out great content and killer headlines that people will want to read.

You can generate and keep traffic to your blog or site with RSS feeds by syndicating your feeds with your updates.

Ok now to the next step…you want to submit your RSS feed to multiple RSS directories! Just like submitting your website to Search engine directories, we will do the same thing with our RSS feed!

The more updates you post, the more times your RSS feeds can be pinged at various RSS feed or blog tracking sites like feedster.

This will get you backlinks which can help your search engine rankings and possibly also generate direct traffic via these links.

Submitting RSS feeds to RSS directories is a lot easier than submitting web sites to many directories.

You can easily ping your RSS feeds at such sites as:

This can be as easy as inputting your RSS feed url and a title and these sites will ping 40 or so RSS directories..

You can also make sure your visitors are aware that they can use an RSS reader to subscribe to your RSS feeds and get your blog updates delivered to them automatically without having to visit your site to see if you've added new content.

There are also a lot of RSS feeds that you need to submit to manually. Check out this list of RSS Directories. This list is great because the guys that put this together has found the best places to submit your RSS.

Look forward to us here at to build not only a list of RSS Directories but also a Search Engine Directory List as well!

By providing RSS feeds to your visitors so that they can subscribe to your feeds via an RSS reader, you will encourage repeat visitors to your info (especially if you constantly add fresh new content to your blog or site).

Over time, this will grow your overall traffic.

This concludes our segment on Using RSS to market your blog or website!

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