Pay Per Lead Affiliate Program Basics

Pay per lead affiliate programs are yet another unique way of making money through affiliate marketing. We hope that you will have a firm understanding of what is a pay per lead affiliate program, some pros and cons of this program type, and of course we want to provide you with some tips for success!

However before we get started, we need to make sure that you have an understanding on what an affiliate program is. Learn about how affiliate programs work!

What is Pay Per Lead and How Does It Work?

Pay per lead is where you get paid for every lead that refer to your affiliate company. This is very close to pay per call except this one carries a variety of ways of getting you lead.

Depending on the company you are working with, they could want one or a combination of an email addresses, first and last name, phone numbers, a form fill out, a text message...the list can go on for some time.

Its up to you to grab this information from the company you are becoming an affiliate partner for before you begin. Some companies may be very laid back while others want specifics.

And they may have good reason to want specifics, since pay per lead affiliate programs can pay as little as .50 cents a lead or as much as $75 and all the range in between.

Another great perk about this is if the lead buys the product or service, you may get a bonus for this as well!

Pros And Cons

Yes right now this type of affiliate program is looking like its the best one right now, so we have decided to start with some of the cons to bring this heavenly feeling type of affiliate pay back down to earth.


These program types may not generate as much as pay per sale programs- There are some good ones out there, but they don't always payout as much as pay per sale programs. Besides if you can get the prospect to sign up for something, how tough can it be to get the sale?

Darn. Thats all we could truly think of for a disadvantage for pay per lead affiliate programs! Oh well...lets get to the Pros!


Great way to build a residual income- It will start off slow at first but once you get it up and running it shouldnt stop! Why? because the people who give you their information are doing just you information!

They aren't buying anything or making a commitment to purchase something. So its no hassle and extremely easy to get them to prospects to commit to this. Majority of the time its them wanting to know more information and have a curiosity about whats being offered.

These programs are the ones everyone is really looking to start on!- These programs are you personal loans, online casinos, internet dating, credit card companies, insurance companies and many more that people are already need, want or are looking to need and want right now! Everyone knows the type of money these programs bring because they are used day to day and new people start into these thing all the time.

So this may be one of the better ways to make money in affiliate marketing, so how do we jump on that? Lets move on to some keys to success!

Keys To Success

Learn the ways of Social Marketing- Learning this type of marketing is a great way to get leads! By placing your ads,blogs and other information on various social media site like Myspace and Facebook, you are already positioning yourself in front of millions of people everyday who are looking for information on your program of choice!

Be on the lookout for our articles on social marketing as we get closer to summertime! Until then we recommend checking out forums and a program known as SMARTS. Google'll be surprised!

Create A Squeezepage To Collect Leads! - If your pay per lead affiliate program requires email addresses and such, build a squeeze page promising more information to the prospect about the information they are looking for. We found a site that allows you to generate a free squeeze page so you can get started immediately!

Once you collect a set amount of leads, send them off to your affiliate program manager so you can collect your cash!

Know what people are searching for and where they are going to look for it!- Do several keyword searches that relate to the program you're working with to see what everyone is looking for.

In our tools section we have found plenty of online tools to do keyword searches with. Ranging from google sets, to even 4 and 5 word long keywords tools that can show you whats hot online right now. Check this area out when you get the chance!

The find a good balance between popular keywords and ones with very little competition to write articles on or about. This is one way to achieve great results.

Learn how to sell to people's emotions- This may sound crazy but majority of the things that people sign up for are done off of an emotional impulse. They get excited, curious, whatever it may be, it pushes them to take some kind of action.

Mix this skill into your headlines and bullets and always leave them wanting to know more.If you can hone this awesome selling tactic, you will definitely be unstoppable.

This concludes our article on pay per lead affiliate program basics. Utilize this with other information you've obtained about these types of programs to achieve the income you desire!

For those of you looking to see which type(s) of programs is right for you, if this is you last article on this subject, please read our article on Affiliate Marketing Scams to get an great tips on what programs to stay away from.

Click Here To See The Other 3 Affiliate Program Types

Click here to review pay per lead affiliate program basics.